Hello dear fellow light workers, welcome to my blog. I hope you gain peace and knowledge from reading my own personal accounts and from the important messages that I will channel through from spirit as this blog evolves. I have been strongly guided to starting this blog, as I have been receiving a lot of important information, and I feel it is my task and duty as a light worker to share this information with you all. So I welcome to share this journey with me, which I’m sure will be enlightening for us all. May I also take this opportunity to welcome you to subscribe and post your own personal experiences? As we all have our own truths which will enable us to unlock the mystery of our very own existence, and will enlighten our path to ascension.
I also hope as this blog progresses to offer personal readings and guidance for anyone interested, either in person or through the blog.
Love and light to you all, May the Angels guide and protect you, and grace your life with light.Lee Bojan. Angelicus